martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Roses are red, violets are blue and my hair is all the colors of the rainbow

Si el color ya invade nuestras ropas ¿por qué no también nuestro cabello? El estereotipo de que sólo los punks se lo pintan está quedando atrás, incluso las revistas de moda están usando en sus modelos colores vibrantes en sus editoriales. Es refrescante ver mechas de colores y no hay porque temerle al tinte siempre y cuando se use adecuadamente y no parezca que nos cayó encima una cubeta de pintura.

If color invades our outfits, why should we keep it away from our hair? The stereotype relating colored haired only with punks is being left behind, fashion magazines are including bright and vibrating hair colors in their editorials. There's no need to fear color, as long as it is well applied and doesn't seem that a bucket of paint has fallen to our hair.

Orange crush

Yellow submarine

Blue navy

Pastel green

Blue and green

Blushing pink

Pale pink

Red velvet

Violet femme

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