Usan latex, patean traseros y tienen ésta aura misteriosa. No, no son dominatrix, son superhéroes y todos llevamos uno dentro. Unos más maravillosos que otros quizás yo sea Súper Sarcástica, existirá Chancro Man y hasta una Sifi Chica. De cualquier manera son una fuente de inspiración para la moda, y un poco de aire fresco esperanzador al imaginario colectivo.
They were latex, kick asses and are surrounded by this mysterious aura. No, they're not dominatrix, they're superheroes and we all carry one inside. Maybe some maybe cooler than other, maybe I'm Sarcastic Girl, and their might exist Procastination Man or Low Budget Man. Anyhow, they are a great source of inspiration for fashion, and a fresh air of hope for our poor expectations in reality.
Linda Evangelina as Cat Woman
Naomi Campbell as a hot Cat Woman
Batman outfits
Kick ass nails
Poison Ivy
Retro Batman nail art
Claudia Schiffer and Spidey
If Superheroes could exist I bet they would hang out all time with models and celebrities
Ironman inspired dress
Even Victoria's Angels wanted to be superheroes, they might kill their opponents with orgasms
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